Wedding Bouquet in shades of dusky aubergine, lilacs, plum and Ivory.


Stunning bouquet of purple, lavender, dusky aubergine and ivory shades of lifelike polyfoam roses with navy blue tiny ribbon roses and x2  brooches (choice available) crystals to centres of some roses, pearl clusters and a sprinkling of tiny crystal embellishments between roses - stems wrapped in ivory vintage style lace and finished with diamante pins - Stems can also be wrapped in choice of colour satin ribbon or a pearled ivory satin bridal wrap if preferred at no additional cost. 

STYLE NO. BB317 - £67.99

♥ All other wedding flowers can be made to coordinate with this style bouquet, including - Bridesmaid Bouquets, Buttonholes & Corsages, Table Centrepieces of all shapes & sizes and Top Table Centrepiece, Pew Ends, Pedestal Arrangements and more.

For All Enquiries: Contact Us 

Other Colours Available: Shades of pinks, champagne & ivory | Shades of golds, creams and ivory | Shades of Peaches, pinks and Corals for any other colour preferences, please enquire for availability.

Coordinating Bridesmaid Bouquet

STYLE NO. BMB477 - £34.99 

Flower Girl/Small Bridesmaid Bouquet

STYLE NO. BMB477FG - £26.99

Coordinating Grooms Buttonhole

STYLE NO. BUT1004 - £4.50 

Groomsmen/Guests Buttonhole

STYLE NO. BUT1005 - £2.25


STYLE NO. COR1003 - £12.99

The Floral Touch UK - Creators of the most beautiful wedding designs using the highest quality artificial flowers